The American Society forReproductive Immunology |
Title of Talk | Speaker | Session | Program# |
Impact of an Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist on Preterm Labor and Bacterial Trafficking in a Pregnant Nonhuman Primate Model | Kristina Adams Waldorf | S14-Therapeutic development | S-14.2 |
Update on the management of cancer during pregnancy | Frederic Amant | S4-Cancer | S-04.2 |
Maternal vaccination and infection associated antigen-specific T cells in breastmilk | Blair Armistead | S1-Lactation | S-01.1 |
Leveraging methylated DNA markers in the detection of endometrial cancer | Jamie Bakkum-Gamez | S3-Endometrial Enviro | S-04.1 |
Rheumatic Diseases and Pregnancy Management | Bonnie Bermas | CC-Clinical | CC-07 |
The role of extrathyroidal compounds on human immune and endometrial tissue | Mahmood Bilal | CC-Clinical | CC-01 |
Correlates of Intrauterine Transmission of Cytomegalovirus | Suresh Boppana | S2-Cytomegalovirus | S-02.1 |
Immunologic mechanisms of pregnancy loss throughout gestation: Placental pathology | Theonia Boyd | CC-Clinical | CC-03 / CC-04 |
Complement in Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome –Human and Translational Studies | Richard Burwick | S9-Complement | S-09.2 |
Immunotherapy Guidelines for Laboratory Testing: Open Discussion | Marcelo Cavalcante | CC-Clinical | CC-09 |
Placental extracellular vesicles, a therapeutic role in ovarian cancer? | Larry Chamley | S12-EV-specific Immune Impact | S-12.3 |
Maternal Inflammation Regulates Fetal Emergency Myelopoiesis | Amelie Collins | S11-Fetal/Neonatal Immunity | S-11.2 |
Failed Ovulatory Debris Clearance is Associated with Fibro-Inflammatory Responses in the Aging Ovary | Aubrey Converse | S8-Aging & Immunity | S-08.2 |
Pregnancy-induced innate immune reprogramming: implications for postpartum breast cancer progression | Tiziana Cotechini | S4-Cancer | S-04.3 |
Carbohydrates and commensals – metabolic interactions influencing Group B Streptococcus vaginal colonization | Ryan Doster | S6-STIs/UTIs | S-06.3 |
Importance of glycans in the functions of human pregnancy-specific glycoproteins | Gabriela Dveksler | S13-Glycoimmunology | S-13.2 |
The Role of Autoimmunity in Reproductive Failure | Abey Eapen | CC-Clinical | CC-12 |
Substance Use in Pregnancy: Maternal and Fetoplacental Immune Impact | Andrea Edlow | S5-Substance Abuse | S-05.1/S-05.3 |
Glycan Regulation of Fetomaternal Tolerance | Adrian Erlebacher | S13-Glycoimmunology | S-13.3 |
Clinical Complications and the role of Uteroplacental Immune Activity as a Modulator at the Maternal-Fetal Interface | Karin Fox | CC-Clinical | CC-16 |
CNS Derived Extracellular Vesicles - Applications to the Perinatal Period | Laura Goetzl | S12-EV-specific Immune Impact | S-12.2 |
Vaccines for pregnancy malaria—progress and possibilities | Patrick Duffy | S14-Therapeutic development | S-14.1 |
Maternal vaccination and infection associated antigen-specific T cells in breastmilk | Blair Armistead | S1-Lactation | S-01.1 |
From trophoblast biology to therapeutic interventions | Lynda Harris | S7-Trophoblasts | S-07.2 |
Defining cell-intrinsic defenses to herpesvirus infections in human trophoblasts | Joshua Hatterschide | S2-Cytomegalovirus | S-02.3 |
Insights on vertical transmission bottlenecks in the nonhuman primate model of congenital cytomegalovirus infection | Amitinder Kaur | S2-Cytomegalovirus | S-02.2 |
Career Building Programs in Canadian Institutes of Health Research - A Focus on Early Career Investigators and Equity Diversity and Inclusion | Charu Kaushic | Lunch & Learn | LW1.4 |
Maternal Protection of Enteric Pathogens | Kathryn Knoop | S1-Lactation | S-01.2 |
Coulam Award Lecture: A journey towards understanding preterm birth, a neonatologists perspective | Liza Konnikova | Inflammation | PL1.2 |
Endometrial Gene Expressions in Women with Reproductive Failures | Joanne Kwak-Kim | CC-Clinical | CC-08 |
Perinatal TNF-α blockade may have long term positive effects on dams and female offspring of a rat model preeclampsia | Babbette LaMarca | CC-Clinical | CC-14 |
Spatial relationships between antiviral responses and Zika virus infection in a mouse model of congenital infection | Helen Lazear | Infections | PL2.1 |
Treg cell senescence in female reproductive potential and advanced maternal pregnancy | Aihua Liao | CC-Clinical | CC-05 |
Regulation of immunity in the female genital tract in context of virus infection | Jennifer Lund | S6-STIs/UTIs | S-06.2 |
Immunological aspects of the endometrium | Udo Markert | CC-Clinical | CC-02 |
Immunometabolism at the Maternal Fetal Interface | Stephen McCartney | S10-Immunometabolism | S-10.3 |
Human placental macrophages and how they fight Listeria monocytogenes infection | Naomi McGovern | S11-Fetal/Neonatal Immunity | S-11.3 |
AJRI Award Lecture: Revisiting the Utility of Interleukin-10 using New Approach Methods: Old Wine in a New Bottle | Ramkumar Menon | Award Lecture | PL2.2 |
Investigating menstrual effluent (ME) to better understand the pathobiology of endometriosis and to develop novel diagnostic and treatment options | Christine Metz | S3-Endometrial Enviro | S-03.3 |
Hormonal and B cell modulation of UTIs in urogenital tract | Indira Mysorekar | S6-STIs/UTIs | S-06.1 |
Tacrolimus in Reproductive Failures | Koji Nakagawa | CC-Clinical | CC-11 |
Pregnancy-Induced Changes in IgG Function | Brian Cobb | S13-Glycoimmunology | S-13.1 |
Herr Award Lecture: The vaginal microbiome as a modifier of reproductive health outcomes | David MacIntyre | Award Lecture | PL4.2 |
Ovarian Aging: A Target for Geroprotection | Yousin Suh | S8-Aging & Immunity | S-08.3 |
Placental extracellular vesicles as mediators of renal dysfunction in preeclampsia | Priyadarshini Pantham | S12-EV-specific Immune Impact | S-12.1 |
Maternal-Placental-Fetal Cross Communication: Metabolic Signals, Nutrients and Exosomes Determine Pregnancy Outcomes and Life-long Health | Theresa Powell | S10-Immunometabolism | S-10.1 |
Got Milk? Role of T cells in Promoting Mammary Immunity and Lactation | Deepshika Ramanan | S1-Lactation | S-01.3 |
Insights into the Immune Embryo-Endometrium Interactions | Rosanna Ramhorst | CC-Clinical | CC-06 |
Lymphocyte Immunization therapy (LIT) in Unexplained Repeated Miscarriages and Unexplained Recurrent IVF Failures (Recurrent Reproductive Failures – RRF): Indian Experience | Mugdha Raut | CC-Clinical | CC-10 |
The complement system and preeclampsia - preclinical animal studies | Jean Regal | S9-Complement | S-09.1 |
Physiological Microbial Exposure and Fetal Immune Development | Nathan Schuldt | S11-Fetal/Neonatal Immunity | S-11.1 |
Advancing Maternal-Child Health through Research: a Perspective from the March of Dimes | Emre Seli | Keynote Lecture | PL4.1 |
Alzheimer's Etiology in Younger Population: Lessons from Preeclampsia, A Severe Pregnancy Complication | Surendra Sharma | CC-Clinical | CC-15 |
Unraveling cell-type-specific mechanisms of aging in the murine ovary | Michael Stout | S8-Aging & Immunity | S-08.1 |
Modulating the cervicovaginal complement response as a therapeutic strategy for preterm birth prevention | Lynne Sykes | S9-Complement | S-09.3 |
Bone Marrow-derived Progenitors: Contributions to Endometrium and Implications to Recurrent Pregnancy Failure | Reshef Tal | CC-Clinical | CC-13 |
Analysis of Endometrial Gene Expression as an Aid in Management of Recurrent Reproductive Failures | Amy Thees | S3-Endometrial Enviro | S-03.1 |
Building 2D and 3D models of human trophoblast development from naive pluripotent stem cells | Thorold Theunissen | S7-Trophoblasts | S-07.1 |
Metabolic rewiring of the maternal immune response in pregnancy | Catherine Thornton | S10-Immunometabolism | S-10.2 |
Establishing a Murine Model to Investigate Vertical Transmission of Oropouche Virus | Natasha Louise Tilston-Lunel | S14-Therapeutic development | S-14.3 |
Maternal Opioid Use With and Without HCV Infection Disrupts Placental Structure and Immunity | Heather True | S5-Substance Abuse | S-05.2 |
Menstrual blood; from waste to non-invasive immunomonitoring of reproductive health | Renate Van der Molen | S3-Endometrial Enviro | S-03.2 |
Leveraging human trophoblast stem cell models to study placental development | Kaela Varberg | S7-Trophoblasts | S-07.3 |