The American Society for 

Reproductive Immunology 

Invited Faculty Speakers

Title of Talk Speaker Session Program#
Impact of an Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist on Preterm Labor and Bacterial Trafficking in a Pregnant Nonhuman Primate Model Kristina Adams Waldorf S14-Therapeutic development S-14.2
Update on the management of cancer during pregnancy Frederic Amant S4-Cancer S-04.2
Maternal vaccination and infection associated antigen-specific T cells in breastmilk Blair Armistead S1-Lactation S-01.1
Leveraging methylated DNA markers in the detection of endometrial cancer Jamie Bakkum-Gamez S3-Endometrial Enviro S-04.1
Rheumatic Diseases and Pregnancy Management Bonnie Bermas CC-Clinical CC-07
The role of extrathyroidal compounds on human immune and endometrial tissue Mahmood Bilal CC-Clinical CC-01
Correlates of Intrauterine Transmission of Cytomegalovirus Suresh Boppana S2-Cytomegalovirus S-02.1
Immunologic mechanisms of pregnancy loss throughout gestation: Placental pathology Theonia Boyd CC-Clinical

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Complement in Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome –Human and Translational Studies Richard Burwick S9-Complement S-09.2
Immunotherapy Guidelines for Laboratory Testing: Open Discussion Marcelo Cavalcante CC-Clinical CC-09
Placental extracellular vesicles, a therapeutic role in ovarian cancer? Larry Chamley S12-EV-specific Immune Impact S-12.3
Maternal Inflammation Regulates Fetal Emergency Myelopoiesis Amelie Collins S11-Fetal/Neonatal Immunity S-11.2
Failed Ovulatory Debris Clearance is Associated with Fibro-Inflammatory Responses in the Aging Ovary Aubrey Converse S8-Aging & Immunity S-08.2
Pregnancy-induced innate immune reprogramming: implications for postpartum breast cancer progression Tiziana Cotechini S4-Cancer S-04.3
Carbohydrates and commensals – metabolic interactions influencing Group B Streptococcus vaginal colonization Ryan Doster S6-STIs/UTIs S-06.3
Importance of glycans in the functions of human pregnancy-specific glycoproteins Gabriela Dveksler S13-Glycoimmunology S-13.2
The Role of Autoimmunity in Reproductive Failure Abey Eapen CC-Clinical CC-12
Substance Use in Pregnancy: Maternal and Fetoplacental Immune Impact Andrea Edlow S5-Substance Abuse S-05.1/S-05.3
Glycan Regulation of Fetomaternal Tolerance Adrian Erlebacher S13-Glycoimmunology S-13.3
Clinical Complications and the role of Uteroplacental Immune Activity as a Modulator at the Maternal-Fetal Interface Karin Fox CC-Clinical CC-16
CNS Derived Extracellular Vesicles - Applications to the Perinatal Period Laura Goetzl S12-EV-specific Immune Impact S-12.2
Vaccines for pregnancy malaria—progress and possibilities Patrick Duffy S14-Therapeutic development S-14.1
Maternal vaccination and infection associated antigen-specific T cells in breastmilk Blair Armistead S1-Lactation S-01.1
From trophoblast biology to therapeutic interventions Lynda Harris S7-Trophoblasts S-07.2
Defining cell-intrinsic defenses to herpesvirus infections in human trophoblasts Joshua Hatterschide S2-Cytomegalovirus S-02.3
Insights on vertical transmission bottlenecks in the nonhuman primate model of congenital cytomegalovirus infection Amitinder Kaur S2-Cytomegalovirus S-02.2
Career Building Programs in Canadian Institutes of Health Research - A Focus on Early Career Investigators and Equity Diversity and Inclusion Charu Kaushic Lunch & Learn LW1.4
Maternal Protection of Enteric Pathogens Kathryn Knoop S1-Lactation S-01.2
Coulam Award Lecture: A journey towards understanding preterm birth, a neonatologists perspective Liza Konnikova Inflammation PL1.2
Endometrial Gene Expressions in Women with Reproductive Failures Joanne Kwak-Kim CC-Clinical CC-08
Perinatal TNF-α blockade may have long term positive effects on dams and female offspring of a rat model preeclampsia Babbette LaMarca CC-Clinical CC-14
Spatial relationships between antiviral responses and Zika virus infection in a mouse model of congenital infection Helen Lazear Infections PL2.1
Treg cell senescence in female reproductive potential and advanced maternal pregnancy Aihua Liao CC-Clinical CC-05
Regulation of immunity in the female genital tract in context of virus infection Jennifer Lund S6-STIs/UTIs S-06.2
Immunological aspects of the endometrium Udo Markert CC-Clinical CC-02
Immunometabolism at the Maternal Fetal Interface Stephen McCartney S10-Immunometabolism S-10.3
Human placental macrophages and how they fight Listeria monocytogenes infection Naomi McGovern S11-Fetal/Neonatal Immunity S-11.3
AJRI Award Lecture: Revisiting the Utility of Interleukin-10 using New Approach Methods: Old Wine in a New Bottle Ramkumar Menon Award Lecture PL2.2
Investigating menstrual effluent (ME) to better understand the pathobiology of endometriosis and to develop novel diagnostic and treatment options Christine Metz S3-Endometrial Enviro S-03.3
Hormonal and B cell modulation of UTIs in urogenital tract Indira Mysorekar S6-STIs/UTIs S-06.1
Tacrolimus in Reproductive Failures Koji Nakagawa CC-Clinical CC-11
Pregnancy-Induced Changes in IgG Function Brian Cobb S13-Glycoimmunology S-13.1
Herr Award Lecture: The vaginal microbiome as a modifier of reproductive health outcomes David MacIntyre Award Lecture PL4.2
Ovarian Aging: A Target for Geroprotection Yousin Suh S8-Aging & Immunity S-08.3
Placental extracellular vesicles as mediators of renal dysfunction in preeclampsia Priyadarshini Pantham S12-EV-specific Immune Impact S-12.1
Maternal-Placental-Fetal Cross Communication: Metabolic Signals, Nutrients and Exosomes Determine Pregnancy Outcomes and Life-long Health Theresa Powell S10-Immunometabolism S-10.1
Got Milk? Role of T cells in Promoting Mammary Immunity and Lactation Deepshika Ramanan S1-Lactation S-01.3
Insights into the Immune Embryo-Endometrium Interactions Rosanna Ramhorst CC-Clinical CC-06
Lymphocyte Immunization therapy (LIT)  in Unexplained Repeated Miscarriages and Unexplained Recurrent IVF Failures (Recurrent Reproductive Failures – RRF): Indian Experience Mugdha Raut CC-Clinical CC-10
The complement system and preeclampsia - preclinical animal studies Jean Regal S9-Complement S-09.1
Physiological Microbial Exposure and Fetal Immune Development Nathan Schuldt S11-Fetal/Neonatal Immunity S-11.1
Advancing Maternal-Child Health through Research: a Perspective from the March of Dimes Emre Seli Keynote Lecture PL4.1
Alzheimer's Etiology in Younger Population: Lessons from Preeclampsia, A Severe Pregnancy Complication Surendra Sharma CC-Clinical CC-15
Unraveling cell-type-specific mechanisms of aging in the murine ovary Michael Stout S8-Aging & Immunity S-08.1
Modulating the cervicovaginal complement response as a therapeutic strategy for preterm birth prevention Lynne Sykes S9-Complement S-09.3
Bone Marrow-derived Progenitors: Contributions to Endometrium and Implications to Recurrent Pregnancy Failure Reshef Tal CC-Clinical CC-13
Analysis of Endometrial Gene Expression as an Aid in Management of Recurrent Reproductive Failures Amy Thees S3-Endometrial Enviro S-03.1
Building 2D and 3D models of human trophoblast development from naive pluripotent stem cells Thorold Theunissen S7-Trophoblasts S-07.1
Metabolic rewiring of the maternal immune response in pregnancy Catherine Thornton S10-Immunometabolism S-10.2
Establishing a Murine Model to Investigate Vertical Transmission of Oropouche Virus Natasha Louise Tilston-Lunel S14-Therapeutic development S-14.3
Maternal Opioid Use With and Without HCV Infection Disrupts Placental Structure and Immunity Heather True S5-Substance Abuse S-05.2
Menstrual blood; from waste to non-invasive immunomonitoring of reproductive health Renate Van der Molen S3-Endometrial Enviro S-03.2
Leveraging human trophoblast stem cell models to study placental development Kaela Varberg S7-Trophoblasts S-07.3

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Many of the greatest ideas and discoveries come from a diverse mix of minds, backgrounds and experiences, and we are committed to cultivating an inclusive work environment. ASRI provides equal opportunities to all members and applicants for awards without regard to race, religion, color, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic disposition, neurodiversity, disability, veteran status or any other protected category under federal, state and local law.

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