The American Society forReproductive Immunology |
=Clinical Course; requires separate fee Program PDF with Abstracts
Saturday, May 18
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM |
Registration Desk open |
Legends Foyer |
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM |
Legends I-III |
Chairs: Joanne Kwak-Kim & Gil Mor | ||
4:00 |
Rafat Abbasi, Columbia Fertility Associates – Is Endometriosis an Autoimmune Disease? |
4:30 |
Conor Harrity, RCSI University – RIF and Immunotherapy |
5:00 |
Raymond Anchan, Harvard University – Non-Hormonal Treatment for Endometriosis During Fertility Care: Using Genetic, Molecular, and Immunological Discoveries to Shift Treatment Paradigms |
5:30 |
George Ndukwe, Harley Street Fertility Clinic - PCOS and Immune Response |
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM |
Clinical Fellowship Reunion Reception |
Legends Foyer |
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Registration Desk open |
Legends Foyer |
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM |
Continental Breakfast for Clinical Course attendees |
Legends Foyer |
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM |
Legends I-III |
8:00 |
Gabriela Gutierrez, University of Buenos Aires – Endometrial Microbiome and Reproduction |
8:30 |
Aleksander Stanic-Kostic, University of Wisconsin - Flow cytometric analysis of peripheral immune cells in women with RF |
9:00 |
Svetlana Dambaeva, Rosalind Franklin University - Endometrial gene expression: assessment of immunoregulatory, homeostasis and tissue remodeling related factors to evaluate endometrium condition |
9:30 |
LiangHui Diao, Shenzhen Zhongshan Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital - Inspection of endometrial immune cells and their contribution to embryo implantation |
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM |
Legends Foyer |
10:15 AM - 12:15 PM |
Legends I-III |
10:15 |
Joanne Kwak-Kim, Rosalind Franklin University – Chronic Endometriosis and Reproductive Failures |
10:45 |
Wael Saab, Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health – Criticised But Effective: The IVIG Dilemma in Recurrent Implantation Failure |
11:15 |
Joshua Milner, Columbia University - Genetic disorders of the immune system: Windows into reproductive immunology? |
11:45 |
Ricardo Barini, University of Campinas – How to set up a guideline for immunological assessment and management in patients with pregnancy loss and implantation failures? |
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM |
Clinical Course Lunch: Clinical Reproductive Immunology Fellowship: Future Directions |
Chairs: Joanne Kwak-Kim & Rafat Abbasi |
1:15 PM - 3:15 PM |
Legends I-III |
1:15 |
Gil Mor, Wayne State University - Infection and Maternal Immune Response |
1:45 |
Elizabeth Enninga, Mayo Clinic – Chronic Villitis and T Cells |
2:15 |
Kenneth Moise, University of Texas – RH Sensitization and Immune Treatment |
2:45 |
Sandra Blois, University of Hamburg – Preeclampsia and the Glycan-Galectin Network |
3:15 PM - 4:45 PM |
Executive Council Meeting (ASRI Council & Committee Chairs only) |
Champions 3 |
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM |
Welcome Remarks & Introduction |
Legends I-IV |
5:15 PM - 6:00 PM |
PL01: Molecular mechanisms of innate immunity and inflammation in health and disease Chair: Indira Mysorekar, PhD Thirumala Kanneganti, PhD St. Jude Children's Hospital Program Chair Lecture |
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM |
COULAM AWARD LECTURE: Anatomy of a Question Elizabeth Bonney, MD University of Vermont 2023 Carolyn Coulam Award recipient |
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM |
WELCOME RECEPTION: "Denim & Diamonds"
*Special guest performance by the Houston Grand Opera* |
Legends Foyer |
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Registration Desk open |
Legends Foyer |
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM |
COFFEE (breakfast on your own) |
Legends Foyer |
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM | Poster Viewing | Legends V-VII |
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
PL02: NIAID Strategic Plan: Reproductive Immunology and Women's Health Chair: David Aronoff, MD Jeanne Marrazzo, PhD NIH / NIAID Presidential Lecture |
Legends I-IV |
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM |
AJRI AWARD LECTURE: Male partner factors that set the course of maternal immune adaptation to pregnancy Chair: Surendra Sharma, MD, PhD Sarah Robertson, PhD University of Adelaide 2023 AJRI Award Recipient |
Legends I-IV |
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM |
Legends Foyer |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
S-01: IMMUNOPATHOLOGY OF ENDOMETRIOSIS Sponsored by Chairs: Joanne Kwak-Kim & Diana Monsivais |
Legends I-III |
-III10:00 |
Ramakrishna Kommagani, Baylor College of Medicine - Human Gut Microbiota Role in Pathogenesis of Endometriosis |
10:30 |
Gregory Burns, Michigan State University - Unraveling Endometriotic Lesions: Epithelium-Macrophage Crosstalk Revealed by Spatial Transcriptomics |
11:00 |
Diana Monsivais, Baylor College of Medicine - Uncovering the growth factor signals the control endometrial regeneration and endometriosis |
11:30 |
ORAL 1: Peritoneal GATA6+ macrophage contribution on endometriosis-associated hyperalgesia - Kanako Hayashi |
11:45 |
ORAL 2: Impact of IL-33-mediated ILC2 activation via the JAK3/STAT6 signaling pathway on the progression of endometriosis in mice - ZhiMin Lu |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
S-02: SEX DIFFERENCES IN REPRODUCTIVE TRACT IMMUNITY Chairs: Indira Mysorekar & Marta Rodriguez-Garcia |
Legends IV |
10:00 |
Lydia Shook, Harvard University - Sex differences in Placental Immunity |
10:30 |
Berenice Benayoun, University of Southern California - Sex-dimorphic effects of aging on mouse macrophages |
11:00 |
Sabra Klein, Johns Hopkins University - Sex steroids affect the pathogenesis of viruses and responses to vaccines |
11:30 |
ORAL 3: Sexually dimorphic impact of Zika virus infection on offspring neutrophil immunity - Jiahui Ding |
11:45 |
ORAL 4: Estrogen Suppresses Placental Inflammatory Processes in Non-human Primate Pregnancy - Sahar Khoshravesh |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM |
LUNCH SESSION: EMPOWERING REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE - ADVOCACY FOR POLICY PROGRESS Chairs: Liz Bonney, Anna Powell & Indira Mysorekar Representative Ann Johnson Texas House of Representatives District 134 Followed by panel discussion |
Founders Ballroom |
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
Legends I-III |
1:30 |
Nicole Meyer, UFZ Leipzig - Unlocking the Secrets of Early Pregnancy: Environmental Chemicals and Their Role in the Dynamics of Vascular Remodeling and Fetal Development |
2:00 |
Alison Paquette, Seattle Children's Hospital - Multi-omic data illuminates the placentas role as a mediator between prenatal EDC exposure and preterm birth |
2:30 |
Martin Matzuk, Baylor College of Medicine - DNA-Encoded Chemistry Technology (DEC-Tec) for the study of female and male reproduction |
3:00 |
ORAL 5: Viral Double-Stranded RNA Dampens Decidualization while Increasing Uterine Senescence and IL-15 - Jacy Scott |
3:15 |
ORAL 6: The Autophagy Protein, ATG14 Safeguards Against Unscheduled Pyroptosis Activation to Enable Embryo Transport During Early Pregnancy - Pooja Popli |
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
S-04: FETAL IMMUNE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND MICROCHIMERISM Chairs: Ananth Kumar Kammala & Liza Konnikova |
Legends IV |
1:30 | Ina Stelzer, UCSD - Leveraging cellular immune trajectories for PTB prediction/Microchimerism and host immunity | |
2:00 |
Shelly Buffington, Baylor College of Medicine - Maternal environmental exposures influence risk for neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring |
2:30 |
Ananth Kumar Kammala, University of Texas Medical Branch - Impact of Pregnancy-Associated Infection on Fetal Microchimerism in Maternal Lungs |
3:00 |
ORAL 7: Fetal Brain and Lung Inflammation in a Non-Human Primate Model of Choriodecidual Ureaplasma Infection - Sudeshna Tripathy |
3:15 |
ORAL 8: Assessing Maternal Natural Killer and T Cell Transplacental Migration Using Ex Vivo Human Placenta Perfusion - Udo Markert |
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM |
Legends Foyer |
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM |
Legends V-VII |
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
Turn up the heat and fuel up with some world-famous Texas BBQ as we enjoy a casual networking dinner at Goode Co. in downtown Houston. Tickets: $30pp incl. RT transportation, dinner & drinks. Email us to add a ticket to your registration |
Meet in Lobby by 6:30 |
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Registration Desk open |
Legends Foyer |
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM |
COFFEE (breakfast on your own) |
Legends Foyer |
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM | Poster Viewing | Legends V-VII |
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM |
PL03: PROGRAM CHAIR'S SESSION: Disruption of immunity at the maternal-fetal interface by maternal infection and inflammation Chair: Indira Mysorekar, PhD Ilhem Messaoudi, PhD University of Kentucky Keynote Speaker |
Legends I-IV |
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM |
HERR LECTURE: Targeting IL-6R to Treat In Utero Sterile Inflammation to Prevent Preterm Birth and Improve Neonatal Outcomes Chair: Melissa Herbst-Kralovetz., PhD Nardhy Gomez-Lopez, PhD Washington University in St. Louis 2023 Herr Award recipient |
Legends I-IV |
9:30 AM -10:00 AM |
Legends Foyer |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
S-05: CERVICOVAGINAL MICROENVIRONMENT Chairs: Melissa Herbst-Kralovetz & Ryan Doster |
Legends I-III |
10:00 |
Katy Patras, Baylor College of Medicine - New models to study host-microbe interactions in the vaginal microenvironment |
10:30 |
Sujatha Srinivasan, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center - The Vaginal Metabolome: Chemical Insights into Bacterial Communities |
11:00 |
Johanna Holm, University of Maryland SOM - Metagenomics-Based Classification of the Vaginal Microbiome: The mgCST Classifier and Its Clinical Applications |
11:30 |
ORAL 9: Cervical goblet cell subtypes arise from distinct progenitor populations: insights into mucosal immunity - Shanmuga Priyaa Madhukaran |
11:45 |
ORAL 10: Deciphering the Immunometabolic Impact of Atopobiaceae in HPV Infection, Cervical Dysplasia, and Cancer - Nicole Jimenez |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
S-06: ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY IN THE REPRODUCTIVE TRACT Chairs: Ana Zenclussen & Andrea Edlow |
Legends IV |
10:00 |
Aimee Beaulieu, State University of New Jersey - IL-33 signaling at the maternal-fetal interface |
10:30 |
Babbette LaMarca, University of Mississippi Mediical Center - The consequences of B lymphocyte activation during preeclampsia and beyond |
11:00 |
Ana Zenclussen, UFZ Leipzig - Immunomodulation of maternal adaptive immune cells and their importance for early pregnancy |
11:30 |
ORAL 11: Uterine injury during diestrus leads to placental and embryonic defects in future pregnancies in mice - Elisa Zhang |
11:45 |
ORAL 12: B-lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1: newly discovered roles in regulating decidual Tim-3+Treg cell differentiation and function during early pregnancy - Xinxin Lin |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM |
Founders Ballroom |
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
S-07: HIV IN THE REPRODUCTIVE TRACT Chairs: Anna Powell & Charu Kaushic |
Legends I-III |
-III1:30 |
Anita Naicker, University of Kwazulu-Natal - Angiogenesis in HIV infected preeclamptic women |
2:00 |
Anna Powell, Johns Hopkins Medical Institute - TBD |
2:30 |
Robert Cabrera, Baylor College of Medicine - Balancing the Action and Counteractions of HIV Integrase Inhibitors in Pregnancy |
3:00 |
ORAL 13: The DIVA study: Defining the Microbiome for the Neovagina - Christina Farr |
3:15 |
ORAL 14: Identification of Innate Lymphoid Cell subpopulations in the human female genital tract that mediate responses during homeostasis and HIV stimulation - Alexandra Werner |
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
S-08: PREECLAMPSIA: MECHANISMS AND THERAPEUTICS Chairs: Surendra Sharma & Akitoshi Nakashima |
Legends IV |
1:30 |
Nima Aghaeepour, Stanford University - Machine Learning for Integrative Analysis of the Immune System in Maternal and Child Health |
1:53 |
Kristy Pringle, Newcastle University - Novel insights into the role of the soluble (pro)renin receptor in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia |
2:16 |
Maria Laura Costa do Nascimento, University of Campinas, Brazil - Preeclampsia in Low-Middle-Income Countries during COVID-19: Clinical and Research Challenges |
2:39 |
Surendra Sharma, Women & Infants Hospital - Alzheimer’s Etiology in Preeclampsia |
3:00 |
ORAL 15: AT1-AA Induced Placental Ischemia Contributes to Hypertension in Female Offspring - Nathan Campbell |
3:15 |
ORAL 16: Molecular Mimicking: Probing Convergent Pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Preeclampsia in Placental Dysfunction During Pregnancy - Eliza McColl |
3:30 PM - 3:45 PM |
Legends Foyer |
3:45 PM – 5:45 PM |
Legends I-III |
3:45 |
Ruth Etzel, George Washington University - How the pre- and postnatal environment affects child health |
4:15 |
Stephanie Eick, Emory University - Influence of chemical and non-chemical stressors on perinatal health |
4:45 |
Melanie Conrad, Charite University of Medicine, Berlin - Maternal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Effect on pregnancy outcomes and childhood health |
5:15 |
ORAL 17: In utero exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals blunts the innate immune response to infection in adult mice- Victoria Stephens |
5:30 |
ORAL 18: IL-17+ producing Gamma Delta T cells are Depleted in the Pregnant Non-Human Primate Lung During Influenza A Virus Disease - Orlando Cervantes |
3:45 PM – 5:45 PM |
S-10: INNATE IMMUNITY IN PREGNANCY Chairs: Rama Kommagani & Craig Bierle |
Legends IV |
3:45 |
Ai-Ris Collier, Harvard University - Cellular immune responses to vaccines |
4:15 |
Mancy Tong, Yale University - Impact of inflammation on endometrial-placental communication via extracellular vesicles |
4:45 |
Enitome Bafor, National Institutes of Health - Unchecked IFNγ: Implications for T cell dysregulation in female reproductive immunopathologies |
5:15 |
ORAL 19: Cell-specific inflammatory profile at the maternal-fetal interface - Jessica Weng |
5:30 |
ORAL 20: Spatial analysis of the cellular landscape at the maternal-fetal interface in women with chronic chorioamnionitis - Dustyn Levenson |
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
AJRI Editorial Board Meeting (by invitation only) |
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Registration Desk open |
Legends Foyer |
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM |
COFFEE (breakfast on your own) |
Legends Foyer |
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM | Poster Viewing | Legends V-VII |
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM |
PL04: GUSDON AWARD SESSION Chair: Ramkumar Menon & David Aronoff |
Legends I-IV |
8:00 |
G1: Anna Borchers - Contrasting Maternal Immune Contributions in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy |
8:15 |
G2:Hajime Ino - TIL-18: A pivotal player bridging between uterine immunity and placental formation |
8:30 |
G3: Phuon NM Vo - Identification and characterization of soluble TLR4 (sTLR4) as a new player in mucosal immunity |
8:45 |
G4: Deepak Kumar - SARS-CoV-2 ORF3a protein disrupts trophoblast differentiation and maturity: Mechanistic insights through a trophoblast stem cell-derived 3D-organoid model |
9:00 |
G5: Yuan Zhang - Unbalanced Immune Homeostasis at the Maternal-fetal Interface in Women with Embryo Implantation Failure Caused by Hyperlipidemia |
9:15 |
G6: Elisha Segrist - Interferons shape homeostatic immunity of the female reproductive tract |
9:30 AM -10:00 AM |
Legends Foyer |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
Legends I-III |
10:00 |
Jennifer Gaddy, Vanderbilt University Medical Center - Pour some sugar on me: the utility of human milk oligosaccharides against perinatal Group B Streptococcus infections |
10:30 |
Lindsey Burcham, University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Host metal status contributes to bacterial colonization and inflammation in the vaginal mucosa |
11:00 |
David Aronoff, Indiana University - Folic acid regulation of macrophage behavior |
11:30 |
ORAL 21: Effects of endometrial microbiota on immune tolerance at the maternal-fetal interface - Kazuhide Takada |
11:45 |
ORAL 22: Pathology and innate immune responses at the maternal/fetal interface in a non-human primate model of malaria in pregnancy - Sallie Fell |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
S-12: MODELLING TROPHOBLAST - IMMUNE INTERACTIONS Chairs: Tamara Tilburgs & Nazeeh Hanna |
Legends IV |
10:00 |
Soumen Paul, University of Kansas Medical Center - Early Placentation Defects in Trisomy 21, Immune Response and Beyond |
10:30 |
Alexander Beristain, University of British Colombia - Evaluating regenerative trophoblast platforms: Strengths, limitations, and next steps |
11:00 |
Lauren Richardson, University of Texas Medical Branch - Chorion Trophoblasts Form a Formidable Barrier at the Feto-Maternal Interfaces |
11:30 |
ORAL 23: Characterization of ACE2, a SARS-CoV-2 Entry Receptor, on Extracellular Vesicles from Trophoblast Organoids - Anthony Zhao |
11:45 |
ORAL 24: Activated and Memory Placental Villi T cells Are Skewed in Preterm Birth - Tyler Rice |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM |
LUNCH SESSION: PLACENTAL PATHOLOGIES Chairs: Elizabeth Enninga & Enitome Bafor |
Founders Ballroom |
12:00 | Theonia Boyd, Baylor College of Medicine - Pathologies, adverse Outcomes, and the importance of pathology review | |
12:30 | Mana Parast, University California San Diego - Tools for studying vascular and inflammatory patterns of placental injury | |
1:00 | Jeffery A. Goldstein, Northwestern University - New AI Methods for Understanding Placental Specific Causes of Disease | |
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
S-13: THE IMMUNE MILIEU OF THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE TRACT Chairs: Sudhanshu Bhushan & Lucia Vojtech |
Legends I-III |
-II1:30 |
Tony De Falco, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center - Exploring the Ontogeny, Development, and Functions of Testicular Macrophages |
2:00 |
Jannette Dufour, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center - Complement and Sertoli cell Immune Regulation |
2:30 |
Maria Battistone, Harvard University - Regulatory T cells play a pivotal role in ensuring sperm tolerance and maintaining male fertility |
3:00 |
ORAL 25: Tolerogenic effects of extracellular vesicles from human semen at the level of dendritic and regulatory T cells - Shahrokh Paktinat |
3:15 |
ORAL 26: Optimizing success rates in ART with personalized care based on the endometrial immune profiling: Results of a randomized controlled trial - Nathalie Ledee |
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
Legends IV |
1:30 |
Hana Totary-Jain, University of South Florida - Placental Vigilance: SINE dsRNA Safeguards Against Viral Vertical Transmission |
2:00 |
Tom Hooven, University of Pittsburgh SOM - New genetic tools to investigate group B Streptococcus chorioamnionitis |
2:30 |
Bin Cao, Xiamen University - The Janus-faced role of endogenous retroviruses in placental development |
3:00 |
ORAL 27: Pichinde virus as a model of arenavirus infection during pregnancy - Craig Bierle |
3:15 |
ORAL 28: Zika Virus-Induced Tunneling Nanotubes (TNTs) in Trophoblasts: Gateways for Evading Interferon Lambda Defense and Orchestrating Intercellular Mitochondria Transfer - Long Tran |
7:00 PM - 11:00 PM |
![]() ASRI AWARDS DINNER: Galactic Gala: Honoring Stellar Scientists Join us as we honor our awardees, indulge in cosmic cuisine and enjoy celestial camaraderie. Reserve your ticket for an unforgettable journey to the stars! Tickets: $90pp. Email us to add a ticket to your registration. |
Legends I-IV |
Thursday, May 23
AM | Departures |