The American Society forReproductive Immunology |
The American Society for Reproductive Immunology (ASRI) is pleased to announce the establishment of a clinical training program on Reproductive Immunology.
In an effort to promote standardization of training for fellows, ASRI has developed a formal process for eligible programs to earn the endorsement of the ASRI as an approved fellowship in clinical Reproductive Immunology. ASRI has developed guidelines for training programs that address specific curricular elements, scholarship, clinical experiences and facilities along with faculty support and expectations.
Fellows that complete an ASRI-approved fellowship are also considered by ASRI to have earned the standard qualifications and skills of an obstetrics and gynecology fellow in the specialized area of reproductive immunology. Medical institutions with a recognized training record are eligible to apply for the ASRI program which will provide the guidelines and supervision for the fellows to acquire the appropriate training in the field of Reproductive Immunology. Once the fellows fulfill the stated requirements they will be considered for recognition as Reproductive Immunologists.
Definition of Specialty
Reproductive Immunology physicians provide consultative services and comprehensive management of patients with reproductive problems throughout the life cycle. This includes the study of the link between a patients’ immune system and reproductive system, specifically those patients with infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, repeated IVF failures, obstetrical complications, neonatal diseases that affect babies by maternal immune responses, and clinical problems related to reproductive immune disorders affecting the development, function and aging of the human reproductive system, including disorders in men. Additional education and training to acquire advanced knowledge of the most current diagnostic and therapeutic approaches available are required. The fellow will be able to function effectively in a reproductive immunologist, perform advanced research and become an independent investigator in the field of reproductive immunology.
Length of Educational Program
The length of the Reproductive Immunology fellowship must be twenty-four months. An optional third year is available for fellows that receive grant support for their research project.
Training Institution
The training institution should run the program in conjunction with an ACGME-accredited OB/GYN program that includes in-patient and out-patient clinical facilities, research facilities and dedicated reproductive immunology physicians. The curriculum may be supplemented with a participating site for a requirement which cannot be provided by the primary training facility.
Participating Sites
Programs should have a program letter of agreement in place between the training institution and the participating site or facility
Applicants for a “grandfathered” certificate in reproductive immunology via the practice pathway program must submit the following documents by December 20, 2020 for consideration by the American Society for Reproductive Immunology.
How to SubmitCandidates should download all forms and instructions first. Candidates should complete the required ASRI Fellowship Application form and General Affidavit, then
submit online including additional documentation and the required application fee. | Download Forms & InstructionsQuestions? Please contact: |