The American Society forReproductive Immunology |
The American Society for Reproductive Immunology (ASRI) is pleased to announce the establishment of a clinical training program on Reproductive Immunology.
In an effort to promote standardization of training for fellows, ASRI has developed a formal process for eligible programs to earn the endorsement of the ASRI as an approved fellowship in clinical Reproductive Immunology. ASRI has developed guidelines for training programs that address specific curricular elements, scholarship, clinical experiences and facilities along with faculty support and expectations.
Fellows that complete an ASRI-approved fellowship are also considered by ASRI to have earned the standard qualifications and skills of an obstetrics and gynecology fellow in the specialized area of reproductive immunology. Medical institutions with a recognized training record are eligible to apply for the ASRI program which will provide the guidelines and supervision for the fellows to acquire the appropriate training in the field of Reproductive Immunology. Once the fellows fulfill the stated requirements they will be considered for recognition as Reproductive Immunologists.
The American Society for Reproductive Immunology (ASRI), in conjunction with its initial certification program, is pleased to offer a “grandfathering” process for current OB/GYN physicians practicing in the field of reproductive immunology.
Prior to 2021, physicians trained in specialized programs under the auspices of expert clinicians and subject matter. Effective July 1, 2021, in order to be granted a certificate in reproductive immunology, physicians must have completed an ASRI approved fellowship. To identify experts in the field, qualifications of those deemed experts and recognition of their unique abilities and knowledge, ASRI will accept applications for certificate, via demonstration and documentation of qualifications, through its practice pathway program.
“Grandfathered” status is available for a limited period of time for select individuals who have extensive experience in the field of reproductive immunology. These subject matter experts should be physicians who have been recognized within the field of OB/GYN as individuals who have long standing experience as practicing reproductive immunologists, have displayed leadership and scholarship in the field of reproductive immunology, have demonstrated academic/teaching experience and are advocates for the specialty. Candidates must complete an application and submit required documentation to ASRI by December 20, 2020.
The certificate issued through the practice pathway program is recognized as valid documentation of attainment of current ASRI Reproductive Immunology expectations and is valid for the life of the recipient. There is currently no certificate renewal fees, exams or other requirements.
Applicants for a “grandfathered” certificate in reproductive immunology via the practice pathway program must submit the following documents by December 20, 2020 for consideration by the American Society for Reproductive Immunology.
How to SubmitCandidates should download all forms and instructions first. Candidates should complete the required ASRI Fellowship Application form and General Affidavit, then
submit online including additional documentation and the required application fee. All major credit cards are accepted for paying the application fee. | Download Forms & InstructionsQuestions? Please contact: |